Today was the first day in ages that I wasn't trying to get into the garden and only succeeding in dodging raindrops. We've had lots of wind and quite a bit of rain down here in the southwest and my roses are flattened and everything looks a little bit downtrodden. So it meant that I was destined to be pottering (ok, actually lots of digging and weeding and cutting) around the garden when the weather co-operated.
The lavender hedge got a big haircut and I have armfuls of lavender stuck into every vase and jug I can find, dotted around the house. If we aren't completely chilled out with the scent of lavender everywhere we never will be.
So slightly wind worn and with pink cheeks and nose from the sun I am sitting here looking forward to an evening of quiet, working on the crochet ripple blanket for one of my little minions. I'm a novice at crochet but have quickly picked up the necessary stitches to complete the ripple pattern, probably thanks to the excellent instructions I found over at Attic24, there are lots of little instructions and lovely ideas to be found there. My problem is that I want to make everything now and end up with lots of projects on the go at once. I could have worse problems I know, so I shall count my blessings.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Monday, 13 June 2011
The Twitter has landed!
I know it may seem completely illogical to some that I haven't jumped into Twitter before now and are thinking - come on catch up with the rest of us and I'm sure there are a fair few who are shouting - no, don't do it. Either way, the plunge has been taken. I will attempt my very best to wrap my brain around it all, not making any promises that this will happen today I might add. In the meantime, I would love to hear who you follow on Twitter that you couldn't do without and if you feel so inclined you can join me too. Hope to see you @alexa_gibson.
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