Monday, 14 November 2011

Fabric Fusion 2011

I've been remiss and neglected the blog of late but that's because I have been making and making some more.......MONSTERS!!!!!!! I absolutely love these guys who are based upon the great patterns of Rebecca Danger, I'm a fan can you tell?
I've been making lots of stuff not just monsters, which was to update existing stock and flex my brain for this past weekend's Fabric Fusion event in Bradford on Avon. I got to set up camp with the lovely and talented Lou Butt of Louise Butt Designs and spend 2 whole days knitting, stitching and chatting to some lovely people who stopped by the stall. Did I mention the cake? So today it's back to tidying up and putting things away and thinking up new ideas for the next event.....a Handmade and Vintage day at Jumble Jelly in Bradford on Avon, check out their website for all the details.
Back to the wool stash!